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Blogging is Hard!

Whenever I have been asked about whether or not I think a blog is a good idea, I usually tell people it's great if you:

  1.  Keep the content relevant and interesting
  2. post regularly

I thought, well, "Self, you can surely post at least once a month."

Not so fast. I think the in age of Instagram and Facebook, logging into a website on a desktop, no less (!) seems ancient and a huge undertaking. In some ways, based in comparison it is.

To my credit, the week after my last post my wife and I had a baby!

However, to at least try and keep up with my own simple 2-step advice: I put up some new work on the Portfolio page here and here, so you can check that out. Also, you can follow me and my letterpress exploits here: @woodtype

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Boulder Denver Lafayette Custom letterpress printing business cards calling cards printmaking crane lettra

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