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Lettepress Workshop at the Book Arts League

A few times a year I teach some letterpress workshops over at the Book Arts League, where I am a board member and primarily work on the website and social media.

Last weekend I had a great group of folks where 9 creative designers & now-printers fired up the proof presses and spent a beautiful day printing rustic wood and metal type to create lovely, textured prints. In the spirit of Hendrik Werkman, we used type as the design, as well as spelled out a wide variety of words and sayings. Texture and grit is what this kind of printing is all about. As well as an endless amount of happy accidents and the study of accepting imperfection, in general.

Printing upside down allows printers to arrange the design more carefully, by placing the paper down first and then the hand-inked type, allowing the roller to roll over the back of the type, applying pressure. The results are exciting and unexpected and completely one of a kind!

In addition to the Triumph and big Showcard at BAL, I brought in my small Showcard, Nolan and Fremont for a total of 5 proof presses!

 Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking

Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking

Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking
Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking
Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking
Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking
Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking
Letterpress workshops learn to print type wood type typography werkman upside down printing design designers local art learn a craft teach printmaking

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